Weird or Stylish?

Is there really a difference between dressing weird or having style?  Who gets to determine if it’s stylish? And who determines if its weird?  I can answer the first question, the people that usually classify certain fashions as weird are the ones who wouldn’t do it or even think about doing it. I think it all depends on a person's individual sense of style that determines if it’s weird. For example, Lady Gaga wears some outlandish stuff and it could easily be classified as weird to everyday people since it’s not common for someone to wear in their everyday life.  Though, another person may think it’s stylish and look at is as being different or creative.  We say if you think it looks good then wear it!  People are going to judge whether it’s good or bad.  Be creative, explore your mind.  This picture of Rihanna, was on a blog titled "The worst outfit of the year" to me it shows creativity in a fun way. "Hey I can wear whatever and still look good."  Sometimes tradition's are made to be broken, some people like to create their own path.


Viva La Chanel!

Today marks what would be the 128th birthday of fashion legend Coco Chanel. Her name is forever noted in the fashion world because of her ability to make styles that were timeless. Making "The Little Black Dress" what it is today. Chanel believed in high fashion with a simplicity. Also starting androgynous fashions for women. Making it ok for them to wear pants, which at the time was only suitable for men. And of course we all know about her love for pearls. All of these statements remain timeless today. Famous for many quotes such as:
"the absence of color is absolute"
"a girl should be two things, classy and fabulous"
"in order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"

We love Coco Chanel!